Teaching portfolio
Teaching and pedagogical work in academia (*)
2021 Reading circle: Letting art teach/Gert Biesta (doctoral level, teaching)
2020 Reading circle: Music education and policy (doctoral level; teaching)
2019 Reading circle: Bourdieu and beyond (doctoral level; teaching)
2018 Reading circle: Past, present and future of school music (doctoral level; teaching)
2018–2019 Responsible teacher of the doctoral seminar, Sibelius Academy
2016–2017 Later Adulthood Arts Education (master level; curriculum development, syllabus design and implementation)
2014–2015 Later Adulthood Music Education (master level; curriculum development, syllabus design and implementation)
2014–2018 Special Education in the Arts (master level; syllabus design and implementation in Finnish, differentiated syllabus in English)
2013–2015 Doctoral seminar (doctoral level; coordinating)
2013–2018 Bachelor seminar (bachelor level; syllabus design and implementation, thesis work supervision)
(*) UniArts Helsinki
I have also served as a casual lecturer at the Department of Music Education (Bachelor & Masters level), Department of Global Music (Bachelor level), Faculty of Classical Music (Masters level) at the Sibelius Academy, Helsinki Metropolia AMK, Tampere AMK, Novia Yrkeshögskolan, and New York University in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Thesis supervisions
2018–current Doctoral dissertation advisor (6 ongoing doctoral thesis works, 2 completed), MuTri, University of the Arts Helsinki
2021 Doctoral dissertation pre-examiner (1), Faculty of Arts (Musicology), University of Helsinki
2017 External examiner of Masters’ thesis (1), Aalto University of Art and Design, Helsinki
2014–2019 External examiner for several Masters’ theses, Sibelius Academy
2013–2018 Main supervisor for Bachelors’ theses, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki (approximately 80 theses)
2012 Main supervisor of Masters’ thesis (Salonen, Mari: Erityistaidekasvatus – eräiden kuvataideopettajien keinot muokata ja eriyttää opetusta erityisoppilaiden kohdalla), Aalto University of Art and Design, Helsinki
Other pedagogical work
2003–2008 Full time music instrument teacher at the Resonaari Music Centre, Helsinki, Finland
2000–2003 Private piano teacher, Helsinki, Finland
1999–2000 Primary school teacher assistant, Eurajoki, Finland
1998–1999 Primary music school (musiikkileikkikoulu) teacher, Rauma, Finland